Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Rain Rain Come and Play!

Due to lack of fall rain the October NIMA meeting has been cancelled.  The Annual Fall Survivor's Banquet is still scheduled for November, and the day and time will be posted in next month's Spores and Stipe's news letter.  With any luck our fall rains will be here soon so we may enjoy a cornucopia of feral fungi and not have to relegate to store bought mushrooms for the banquet.  Maybe someone ought to host a rain dance party before hand...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

NIMA October Meeting Postponed

The new October meeting date is set for Tursday the 11th.   NIMA meetings usually always take place the first Thursday of every month during 'mushroom season' spring and fall.  Due to this fall's drought conditions the meeting has been delayed in hopes of rain and the opportunity to bring fungi specimens to the meeting for identification and discussion.